Chandran K C Explains Homeopathy As Molecular Imprints Therapeutics (MIT)

A Study On The Molecualar Dynamics Of Homeopathic Therapeutics Of Potentized Sarcodes

Defining ‘sarcodes’  is a very complex task, on which a consensus among homeopaths seems to be almost impossible.

I would go with the definition evolved from discussions on our group: “Sarcodes are homeopathic drugs prepared from healthy animal tissues and secretions that in crude form contain biological molecules having specific physiological functions in the human organism”

According to this definition, an animal product will not be considered a sarcode, if it does not contain some biological molecules that are integral part of vital metabolic processes of human organism. That is the dividing line between ‘animal drugs’ and ‘sarcodes’.

Sarcodes have a very notable peculiarty. They always exist in molecular form in the organism, and participate in various molecular interactions being part of different biochemical pathways. They become homeopathic drugs only when they are not administered  in ‘molecular forms’, but as potentized forms above 12c. In molecular forms below Avogadro limit, they can be considered only as physiological products, not as homeopathic drugs.

Two questions have to be answered here:

1. If sarcodes are natural biological molecules having specific functional roles in human organism, how they become pathogenic agents, requiring the intervention of their own potentized forms or ‘molecular imprints’?

2. If the sarcodes are biological molecules being essential parts of living system, will not their physiological functions get negatively affected by the use of their potentized forms, since it is true that potentized form of a drug substance can antidote the biological effects of same drug in crude form?

Let us consider pituitary hormones. They play a decisive role in the whole metabolism of the organism, and hence called ‘master gland’. Pitutary hormones control many enzyme systems in our body. Then how can they act as pathogenic agents, requiring the use of potentized pituitary extract?

Next question is, when we use potentized pitutrin as a sarcode, will it not act as an antidote towards molecular forms of pituitary hormones and create dangerous consequences, by disrupting the whole endocrine activities mediated by pituitary hormones?

Pepsinum is very important in digestion of proteins. If pepsinum 30 is given to a person, will it create problems in protein digestion by deactivating pepsin molecules? If they cannot antidote pepsin molecules, how can they act as therapeutic agents?

Thyroid hormones play very important roles in metabolic activities in the living organism. Then how it can be pathogenic agents, requiring the intervention of potentized thyroidinum? Will not potentized thyroidinum hinder the biological processes mediated by thyroid hormones?

These are very pertinent questions we have to answer while trying to explain the science behind using of potentized sarcodes.

We can answer these questions only if we know the dynamics of molecular processes involved in biochemical interactions.

Every biological molecules, especially those belonging to hormones, signaling molecules(cytokines), neuro-chemicals, antibodies and enzymes being circulated in the organism enter into two types of chemical interactions: 1. ‘On-target interactions’ and  2. ‘Off-target interactions’.

‘On-target’ interactions are those happening between natural ligands and their genuine targets. Such interactions are essential part of vital processes through which biochemical pathways are carried unhindered. Natural ligands and their genuine targets interact through two stages: a). molecular identification and binding, which is effected by complementary configurational affinity between targets and ligands, b). actual chemical interaction, which is effected through perfect charge affinity between ligands and their genuine targets.

Off-target interactions are those accidentally happening  between ligands and wrong targets having configurational affinity only. In the absence of exact charge affinity, no chemical changes occur. Such interactions are always ‘inhibitory’, temporarily or permanantly deactivating the involved biological molecules. Such ‘inhibitory’ off-target interactions inevitably lead to derangement in associated biochemical pathways resulting in pathological states.

‘Off-target’ inhibitions caused by biological molecules such as hormones, enzymes, antibodies, signaling molecules(cytokines) and neurochemicals are causative factors of a wide range of pathological conditions in human beings. Sarcodes, or potentized preparations of these biological molecules, which contain their ‘molecular imprints’ , can effectively remove these molecular inhibitions and thereby act as therapeutic agents. Here lies the importance of sarcodes in homeopathic therapeutics.

Then comes the issue of selective action of the potentized sarcodes. As any other molecular imprints, molecular imprints in potentized sarcodes also cannot interfere in in the interactions between natural ligands and their genuine targets which involves configurational affinity as well as charge affinity. Since molecular imprints act through configurational affinity only, they can interfere in only inhibitory ‘off-target’ interactions.

It is now obvious that thyroidinum 30 cannot interfere in the essential biochemical processes mediated by thyroid hormones, Piturin 30 cannot interfere in the natural actions of pituitary hormones. This principle is applicable to all potentized sarcodes. We can use potentized sarcodes above 12c without any fear of adverse effects.

Sarcodes can play a very important role in the treatment of diverse types of diseases belonging to metabolic, emotional, psychosomatic, and ontological factors. They can also be part of constitutional prescriptions

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